Sunday, April 15, 2018

I remember we were wandering through space. We had no form, we simply have existed. Our laughter was creating waves of joy. We saw galaxies and stars being born and dying and, at some point, we saw a black hole which fascinated us and we decided to go through it. What a surprise ! We discovered another universe, with a beautiful galaxy and there it was a newborn star with planets orbiting around it. The desire to stay here for a while made us to search for a place to rest and then we saw it, a wonderful blue planet. This will be our new home, but we needed a material form and God helped us. Since then, thousands of years have passed. Sometimes we were together, sometimes not. Always we have sought each other. Now we start longing to wander again through our space. We feel each other more than ever. Is it the time to finally leave this planet ?