Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Autumn mood

People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

I remember we were wandering through space. We had no form, we simply have existed. Our laughter was creating waves of joy. We saw galaxies and stars being born and dying and, at some point, we saw a black hole which fascinated us and we decided to go through it. What a surprise ! We discovered another universe, with a beautiful galaxy and there it was a newborn star with planets orbiting around it. The desire to stay here for a while made us to search for a place to rest and then we saw it, a wonderful blue planet. This will be our new home, but we needed a material form and God helped us. Since then, thousands of years have passed. Sometimes we were together, sometimes not. Always we have sought each other. Now we start longing to wander again through our space. We feel each other more than ever. Is it the time to finally leave this planet ?

Monday, March 17, 2014

I wonder, who feel the loneliness? The body or the soul?
If I look around, you are not here...
If I look into my soul, I'm full of yourself ...

Saturday, June 8, 2013

No one else is going to build the life you want for you...no one else will even be able to completely understand it...the most amazing souls will show up to cheer you on along the way, but this is your game...make a pact to be in it with yourself for the long haul, as your own supportive friend at every step along the way...

I am what I am...simplicity is my way...I yearn tranquility upon my heart, peace is what I wish for, hope is what I dream of, justice is what I seek, humbleness is my dealing...who am I is what I am- an individual striving, traveling in the path of an unsorted road, maneuvering in this curvy road of life, each step doom or glory awaits...patience is my light...my experience shapes me in this road to make it through another day...

It is never easy to follow the spiritual path...however, we can say that in a way, we are all already engaged on it...yes, since we all have wishes to fulfill and things to understand, since we all have our inner kingdom and a spirit that wants to manifest itself fully trough it, we are all plunged in spirituality to a degree or another...since we all carry this life within us, it is necessary, even essential to learn how to focus on that life...we must not always be the victims of our inner states, but to master and direct them...we must become the kings or queens of our own kingdom...mine is like in this photo...

Thursday, February 28, 2013

In a moment

In a moment that defied logic and time I felt you turning around, you caught my eye...my world burst with colors coming alive, magic exploded through the air...no words were spoken, as we tempted fate, inhaling the universe’s dare...reaching deep within, we made an instant connection coming together with moon drenched passion, sweet caressing kisses on the lips, falling through the ultimate bliss...drinking of your love you quench my thirst...each gentle touch feels like the first...sound dissipates, time is too late...as we melt into the dark of night, bodies and emotions entwined, igniting flames inside...


River of thoughts running through my mind...as I sit idle under the moon, gentle movement of currents rock me softly, silence washes away inner storms of chaos and confusion...I feel your love wrap around me as the currents of life take me closer to the oceans edge, drifting as the night changes the hues of dark into a spark within reach across distance drawing me in to feel the heat of passion...you send my way in your dreams, upon silent echoes the wind carries your thoughts over stones washed soft, tumbling over river sand, turning smooth as glass...knowing love as our will last, flowing on the rivers currents of time and space...

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I wonder...

I wonder sometimes, if we think alike…why are we then at different places?...I wonder sometimes, if our lives are touched by each other…then why are we waiting at invisible borders?...I think sometimes, if our feelings are so real…then why are we chasing love?...I wonder sometimes, if we crossed each other’s path…why cannot we walk together in life?...


A time comes in your life when you finally get it...when in the midst of all your fears and insanity you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice inside your head cries out: ENOUGH!...enough fighting and crying or struggling to hold on...and, like a child quieting down after a blind tantrum, your sobs begin to subside, you shudder once or twice, you blink back your tears and through a mantle of wet lashes you begin to look at the world through new eyes...this is your awakening...